Snippets of Reading

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So sometimes being a blogger really means you’re just an obsessive  blog reader. That’s what I’ve been doing this week. Partially because I was unmotivated during this rainy week and partially because the blogosphere was alive with passionate posts about parenting.

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This piece sums up how I feel about parenting in light of all the hullabaloo out there in the past weeks – do what is right for your family.

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The MommyPsychologist reminds us what the Real Parenting Problems Are and

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I’m sure you’ve already read this amazing article about the real Mommy Wars found at Rage Against the Minivan which is the best blog title ever. If you haven’t, you need to… really.

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And this post by Rachel Held Evans is a great answer to the ridiculous question of being enough.

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I really didn’t think I had anything to add, but then I did, and it came in a burst, as most of my writing does. Garreth came home and I said, “I really meant to start dinner or at least clean up the kitchen so you could start it, but I was struck with a post.” That’s what it looks like behind the scenes and fortunately, he gets it.

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And a good laugh to start your weekend: Aidan was driving around at school when I went to pick him up yesterday. As soon as he saw me, he started driving in the opposite direction (ooooh, great turning skills and communicating).  I don’t think I like this independent mobility thing after all.

For more Seven Snippets, visit Bringing the Sunshine!

5 thoughts on “Snippets of Reading

  1. I read the whole “good laugh to start your weekend” line and still chose to take a sip of coffee before reading further. That was a mistake! 😛


  2. Great post! I’ve been too involved in my readership this week, rather than blogging. I’m just so fascinated by the various lives we lead and learning from others. Here I am reading yours! Thanks for the links, too! Now I have more MUST READS! I’ll definitely be back! I found you via Seven Snippets!

  3. Great post about breastfeeding a NICU baby – I was there, and it hurt. I was only pseudo-committed before Sarah Kate was born, but when breastfeeding became the ONLY thing I felt that I could do for my scrawny munchkin, I dove in with both feet. I pumped for the two months she was in the NICU and then for three months more after that, until one day I disintegrated into a pile of blubbering mush and Mr. Andi vowed to return the rented pump to the hospital the next day. I have never regretted what I did for her, but I’ve also never regretted quitting, either. It was the most I could give.

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