Food For Thought

Food For Thought  April 14, 2014 Edition

Portraits of Boston Marathon Survivors -In remembrance of the one year anniversary of the marathon bombings and the upcoming date of the Boston Marathon, check out this powerful collection of photos and stories.

Upsee Give Away – The latest and greatest invention by a mom to help her child have the experience of walking upright. Lecky is giving one Upsee away on Ellen’s blog. Contest open until April 28. Don’t miss it.

Give me my voice and I will show you my soul – All behavior is communication. This is an excellent article on AAC and how every child deserves a voice.

The Aamazing Aardvark – A brave contribution to the Momastery’s Messy Beautiful project last week from a woman who lost a child.

Food For Thought

IMG_3336Food For Thought December 9, 2013 Edition

There are many gift guides circling the internet right now but I’d like to draw your attention to this one by Addie Zierman. This time of year can be particularly difficult for people who are grieving or struggling and Addie’s gift guide has beautiful ideas for honoring people’s pain in the face of all of this Christmas cheer.


And speaking of loss…in New Jersey where medical marijuana is legal, there are still many hoops to jump through to get it. I understand that bureaucracy and research take time. Unfortunately, in that time, children are dying and that’s why we parents are making a lot of noise to get safe, regulated marijuana on the market. Please honor the brief life of Sabina Rose by taking a moment to read this article for a better understanding of the issues.


And because I don’t want to be a total bummer today, check out this awesome video of 20 cancer patients getting a chance to laugh because laughter is good medicine too.


And what have you been reading?

Food for Thought


November 4, 2013 Epilepsy Awareness Edition

First I give to you a great website with lots of scientific articles and clear explanations. is worth the read.


Next I give you another Mainers blog of her life raising a son with Epilepsy. She’s an incredible writer and spares no punches. You will probably cry. Every November Christy has done an incredible job raising awareness and I’m sure this month will be no different.


And because you know I just can’t resist them, another story about medical marijuana from the NY Times. This time, parents filed a lawsuit in Arizona because while edibles are legal there, tinctures and oils are not. They’re hoping this lawsuit brings some clarity and broadening of the law.


Ok Seizure Moms, what else do I need to be reading?